Monday, December 31, 2012

  1. See Your 2012 Year in Review
    Look back at your 20 biggest moments from the past year.
  2. Pastor Wale's new book out now 'Victory Through The Storms'. What a book, a blessing to all. Get it now. Very authentic! — with Chris Williams and 43 others at Harmony Christian Centre.
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  3. Look at the Sparrows(Anti- Aging)
    As a little boy,my music teacher taught me a song about the sparrows;" Look at the sparrows,they have no bans,they have no garden but He(God)cares for them.
    Am your heavenly father,I know all your need,call upon me in the days of trouble and I will be there".

    Man has a self preservation instincts which has been the source of all mankind doom .Our desire to be sure that we can eat drink has brought greed,pride and corruption .Man is now faithless to believe that the God that feeds the sparrow that are less important to him will undoubtedly feed him.

    We do fail sick so often,so frequently that our heart can't take the pressure anymore. The pressure of always wanting to receive from everyone possible,rather than giving. Man was created a giving being,just like God. The day you stop giving is the day you start dying. There is always something in a man to give. Giving is not the business of the rich but the business of every living thing.

    An Elephant eats about 140pond of grass daily and must sheet 50-60pond daily. The day an elephant refuse to shit as much as it does, is the day it will die. In the same vein,man breaths in oxygen and breaths out carbon di oxide. The day man stop giving carbon di oxide is the end of his life. We are growing weaker health wise because of the following;

    1)We don't give our body due vacation as at when due. leave everything and rest. The bible strongly recommend it.

    2)Give to orphan and the less privilege around you. Two of the homes we work with desperately need help. Queen Esther needs to roof their permanent site as they must move there by new year eve. Kings kid orphanage Ibadan need cash to complete plastering and painting their home. These are opportunity to shit so as to be healthy just like the elephant. shit today and keep living healthy!
    Prov 11:25 The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.

    3)We don't give our body due work and exercise it needs to remain healthy

    4)We don't give to our biological parents

    5)We don't give to our spiritual parents. Tithe and offering is not for your pastor,go extra to sow into his life.

    6)We don't give knowledge to the thirsty,whatever you know,someone needs it desperately,share that knowledge. I'm having to send this to you because if I'm to die today,I want to die empty,that's why my articles are long. I want to give everything. We don't need it in the grave.

    From Your health Doctor
