Saturday, June 15, 2013


Boy With No Shoes Versus Jonathan(2)

When I heard Goodluck Jonathan wife had to pay his tuition while they where both in Uniport couldn't but just imagine how a man will feel taking tuition fee from his girl friends.

Those were the no days but today the story has change.I see your own story too change some day.

Looking back,the one thing that makes testimony sweet is the test.what makes the Glory make sense is the story.

Some stories I heard in Abuja shock me.Men who slept under the bridge with Pregnant wife.

Today the same wife work at NNPC and the same man Boasting of tens of Millions.

My God can do anything and he change change any story.He can turn the tide in anyones favor.

Help is on the encourage even in the though time in the desert. weather you realize it or not,God will use it for your Good!

People say; "time will heal but it doesn't always feel that good.But I can tell you this,stay strong,reach out and take Gods hand.

Can I tell you this that he sees your tears and he's even there with you right now even in that though situation.Just hold on.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others

Guess what?he doesn't need your mockers permission to do it.all he need is your cooperation to believe its possible

Abraham had an encounter with God and had to open up;"God am getting afraid of you oh!I don't think you will give me this child 90 already"the shocking thing is that God didn't say,hold on,I will give you the child this month.Rather he said "come! see the stars.can you count them?See the sand on the see shores.can you count them?I need your faith doesn't take time nor is it too hard,it only takes our cooperation".

I can imagine God thinking in his heart;Can we be friends.Friends always trust each other.Please Trust me.Guess what?Trust again,there is love in his right hand.

The boy without shoes may be the weakest president ever to rule Nigeria but know this,God love him still and that's what matters most.

Men may see your weekness but God sees his Friendship with you.a true friend don't abandone each other.same with your God.He will not abandon you no matter who quit.once God is still with you,that's all that matters.

Have a Great Day!

Boy With No Shoes Versus Goodluck.

Who could have believe the story of a boy with no shoes become the president of the Largest Nation in Africa.

Stephen Akintayo
President Infinity Foundation.
Speaker|Author| Coach|Entrepreneur
@stephenakintayo BB:2283dc8f.

Boy With No Shoes Versus Jonathan(1)

Moving around the most beautiful part of Abuja, I saw the captivating bill boards of Goodluck Jonathan everywhere;they were all over the place that you would think it was election period.

Something dawned on me that this same man was the boy without shoes for many years.

He couldn't have believed as at the time he had no shoes that he would become the presid...ent of the Largest Nation in Africa?He and his Vice would have a budget of N5,483,896,030 for food alone

Who dashed monkey banana to believe he would be so powerful to declare State of Emergency in 3states in Nigeria.The first of its kind in Nigerian history

Let's trace history back a little and you will discover it wasn't always this easy for the man.Grace only found him just as who he was.

Jonathan was born in what is now Bayelsa State to a family of Canoe makers. he often had to trek bare-footed over considerable distances to and from school; his books were hand-carried since he couldn't afford school bag. Notwithstanding, these trying times never descouraged him,he pressed on even with greater zeal and determination.

The lesson here is;

1)No Matter where you are now,you will wake up to a place that will make you feel you are dreaming. Nothing is impossible!Dream big,keep hope alive against all odds!

2)Irrespective of your situation,you can't afford masters or you have a third class result.Are you a victim of rape or raised by illiterate?Your latter can and will surely increase.God will come through for you,and you wouldn't have to refer to your weaknesses.

3)Determination is everything in the school of success.If you don't build your Dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.if you are not willing to learn,no one can help you.if you are determine to learn,no one can stop you.

Be Strong when you are weak,Brave when you are scared,And Humble when you are victorious.

If you do these few points you are indestructible!

Nigeria Centenary
TGIC!! “Your passport Sir?” 2 hours latter you are still at the airport, seated for a thorough interview by an immigration officer. “Why?” You asked, “because of your passport Sir, we have firmer rules for bearers of this kind of passport” replied the officer. Meanwhile, your luggage has been intensively searched & screened, you’ve undergone 2 different body machine screening, sa...mples of your urine and blood has been taken for test, you’ve done security, immigration & customs check, drug & medical test, finger prints etc. You are now waiting to know if you’ll be allowed into the country or not. You are so tired after a 13 hour flight, what you need is a good reception, hot shower & rest. Your fellow passengers must be with their families or friends you thought. “But I have a genuine visa!” you hissed, “Is it a crime to be a Nigerian?” You asked. I must do something to change this image you thought. The question now is, what will you do to change the image of Nigeria abroad and how? Remember the winner gets a 'Branded Centenary Award' that will go down in history and an option of a laptop or an ipad.

Participants MUST ‘Like’ the page to play. All answers MUST come in before midnight tomorrow (Saturday) for voting to begin.

To Change the Image of this Country,I must change Myself.How do I percieve Nigeria and Nigerians?I will have to engage in the following;

1)I will hold on to the positive things this country represents; because people are hardly moved by your Vision,neither do they react positively to the situations around you.Hence forth,I will positively support things that concerns Nigeria. Positive things about Nigeria will fill my thoughts.

2)In order to change one's mindset, there is a need to erase old mindset and infuse new thoughts.Therefore I will do a research on my country and duel on facts and Figures of pleasant events and policies adopted by the Federal Government and I will spread the good to my friends abroad.

3)I will engage Nigerians and Non-Nigerians abroad on the changes they would like to see in Nigeria and see how I can start a Social Enterprise(Example of Such is Infinity Foundation)in Nigeria; this is a project that has been helping Orphans from 25orphanages in ten states for the past five years). I will create a project that will provoke positive conversation on how we as individuals can create value. By teaching others;it will enlighten us to a better Nigeria. Moreover, this requires collective effort and not from Government alone.

4)I will start to wear Nigerian Emblem. "Stritly Nigerian" and "Proudly Nigerian".I will always Promote Nigerian Culture abroad,I'll Speak Nigeria languages,Dress the Nigerian way,Smell Nigerian,Walk Nigerian,and relate with Nigerians!This will be until Nigeria becomes a positive and highly sought after brand.I would love to give any foreign Immigration Officer a Nigeria Flag or Nigeria Map Lapel and Ankara as a gift.This will be after he has cleared me so he wouldnt accuse me of bribery.My goal here is to show him how hospitable Nigerians are even in hostile situations.

5)I will also Encourage my Foreign Friends to wear some of our fabrics and adopt our Rich Culture.This will leave lasting effect in the minds of these foreigners as regards Nigeria.

6)I will equally arrange holidays and tour centres during festive seasons for my foreign friends.Like a Friend of mine on Facebook; who is an American, she wanted to come to Nigeria for holidays.I had to tell her about some tourists' Destinations like: Obudu Cattle Ranch,Tinapa,Olumo Rock,Osun Oshogbo Festivals,Agungun Fish Festival and other wonderful places in Nigeria.I will ensure I record such places and show pictures as well.I will showcase these events on social media and equally encourage them to share with their friends.That way,their friends will see real and beautiful images in Nigeria. More so,the negative report on Nigeria will reduce to a reasonable essence! Then I will die a natural death.

7)Lastly,I will work on my character and Integrity,my aim is to get the attention of foreign bodies. This is the greatest weapon I will use.Your personal lifestyle is the best Gospel!If I will preach about the good in Nigeria;I must act right myself ,I'm a living proof. So I will ensure I relate with Nigerians and Foreigners alike with integrity and Professionalism; such that they will be forced to say;"You are Different".

In Conclusion, changing the image of this nation begins with you and let that Change begin NOW!I love this nation!If I come to this world again,I will still love to come as a Nigerian!Challenges abound but opportunities are greater.God bless you and God bless Nigeria!

Stephen Akintayo
President Infinity Foundation.
Speaker|Author| Coach|Entrepreneur
|Marketing&Social Media Consultant|
@stephenakintayo BB:2283dc8f.
akintayostephen on facebook